
2017 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

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Beautifull lines to save relasionship

मुझे किसी के बदल जाने का गम नही है.., बस कोई है जिस पर खुद से भी ज्यादा भरोसा है।.. Beautiful lines to save ralations, " whenever u find me bad ro rude at any point of time, at least tell me .once before telling the whole world,, The weakest part of arelation comes when one of the person has 2 give explantion 2 ove the trust, Falling in love is just natural,  it con happend & madness any tym, once in lyf every 1 falls in luv, if done faithfull if losts farever, When we miss someone ...we just open our inbox nd read our old messeges again and smile like an idiot A gree, I feel really special when you say i love you, i feel really specal when you hold my hand, i feel really specal when you teell, me you're my man,  i feel really specal when you hold me when i cry, i feel really specal when you call me honey, i feel really specal when you tell me im the one, The day you fall in love with someone you think it the happiest day of your life, but in reality ...

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